Saturday, August 17, 2024

Bennington Battle Monument


The Bennington Battle Monument is the tallest man-made structure in Vermont.  It celebrates a pivotal battle in the American Revolutionary War.

247 years ago yesterday, on August 16, 1777, Vermont’s Green Mountain Boys, the New Hampshire Militia, and volunteers from Massachusetts defeated British troops charged with capturing provisions stored at the Bennington military supply depot—the site where the monument stands today.

A son of Connecticut -- Colonel Seth Warner -- had moved to Vermont and led the Green Mountain Boys.

Brigadier General John Stark brought 1400 New Hampshire men to Vermont and led the American troops to repel the British forces.

1 comment:

Taken For Granted said...

While I knew about the battle, I didn't know about the monument. Your first photo is terrific. Your composition leads the eye right to the top of the monument.