Monday, February 10, 2025

Cars on Fifth - 2

 More photos from Saturday's Cars on Fifth event.

Best in Show.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Cars on Fifth - 1

 Cars on Fifth is a big fundraiser for St. Matthews House, which helps the homeless, the food insecure, and those addicted to drugs or alcohol.

Yesterday the car show drew thousands of visitors (at $40 apiece) to admire special automobiles on Fifth Avenue South.  The evening news estimated the draw at almost $2 million for St. Matthews House.

The cars are parked by categories.  Lots of Porsches and Ferraris.  BMWs and Mercedes as far as the eye can see.  Lamborghinis, McLarens, Rolls Royces.  And on and on.

Lots of Corvettes, too.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Gulf Coast Motorworks

I drive past a lot.  The featured cars change all the time.  A few days ago they were all black.  Somehow that made me decide to stop.

In turn, that made me decide to convert the image to black and white.

Today I plan to go to a massive car show in Olde Naples.  It will be outrageously crowded and the cars will be outrageously expensive.  I am not a car guy, but I like looking at gorgeous cars, and sometimes the people watching is good.  Expect at least a few days of images from the show.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Black Vulture

I take a lot of wildlife photos, most of which I don't put on this blog.

But, yesterday I saw a black vulture on a dead tree in good light.  

Usually these guys just stay still until flying off.  

But, yesterday the black vulture gave me some poses.

Thursday, February 6, 2025


The homeowner has been fined dozens of times and tens of thousands of dollars over two decades but still refuses to clean up his yard.  There is also a homeless encampment in his back yard.  

I'm happy I don't live nearby.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Monday, February 3, 2025

Along the Waterfront

A simple old building along the Fort Myers waterfront has somehow escaped the wrecker's ball.  I couldn't see anything that told me what it is.  But, it has a long mural along this side, illustrating a bait shop and some old fishing scenes.

Linked to Monday Murals.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Saint John the Apostle


Love your neighbor.  Do justice.  Love mercy.

Fort Myers, Florida.

Saturday, February 1, 2025


 When you have a gazillion photos in your archive and put "motor" in the search bar, you end up with 467 photos.  Some bring back fond memories.  Others, "where the heck was that?"  And still others, "why the heck did I take that picture?" and "why didn't I delete it?"

So many times on my visits to Africa, I think "These people live differently than I do."

People in Key West  are different, too.

I remember this.  Several years ago there was a motorcycle parade in Naples.  Must have been a thousand participants.  These police officers were in a tight pack, so I could isolate them from the masses. 

OK.  This is the kind of thing that the City Daily Photo theme of "Motors" for February 2025 
expected me to show today, so here it is.

This one brings back smiles.  I was in Normandy near a D-Day museum, which inevitably brings on sober emotions.  But, down the street a "deux chavaux" club was gathering with their very special cars.

This is quite close to where I live in the winter.  The cars they put out front are changed out frequently.  I must have been feeling arty when I captured this one in black-and-white.

Click here to see other "Motors" interpretations.

Friday, January 31, 2025

"Motors" is Coming Tomorrow

 Tomorrow is a monthly theme day for City Daily Photo participants.  The theme for February 1 is "Motors."  I couldn't think of interesting places to take a new photograph about motors, so I searched my archives.  Here are some of the ones that won't get into tomorrow's post.

Every year at the end of July, a farm in eastern Connecticut sells sunflowers to support the Make A Wish foundation.  I visited for five or six years in a row.  I haven't gone for a few years because it is further away from where I now live.  Maybe I will make the effort this summer.

This is one of those "where?" and "why?" and "why didn't I delete it?" photos, but I like it.

It must have been the red-green contrast that caused me to push the shutter button.  Or I was bored.

This is at Sugden Plaza on Fifth Avenue South in downtown Naples, but the occasion escapes me.

Where?  Must be somewhere in Africa.  Why?  No idea.

See you again tomorrow.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Uncommon Friends

The noted American inventors and businessmen Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone came to Southwest Florida in the late 19th century to escape harsh northern winters.  Edison and Ford built winter homes side by side on McGregor Boulevard in Fort Myers.  Firestone visited often. 

 Today the Edison and Ford Winter Estates are popular attractions.  A statue of these three "uncommon friends" is in a pool in Centennial Park along the Caloosahatchee River.  D.J. Wilkins is the sculptor.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Burroughs Home and Garden

 The Burroughs House is on First Street in Fort Myers' River District. It was the city's first year-round luxury home. It is in the Georgian Revival style and was built in 1901.   

Nelson Burroughs bought the house in 1919. A daughter bequeathed the property to The City of Fort Myers in 1978.   Today it is open for tours and is often the scene of weddings and other special events.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Blue Cottage

A charming little cottage in the River District just off First Street in Fort Myers.

I need to go back and wander the side streets.  I think there are quite a few other charmers like this one.