Ali is a trainer for Fidelco guide dogs. Trainers and their German Shepherd dogs are often seen around West Hartford Center. Ali told me that they take the dogs everywhere to give them a wide variety of experiences. This dog has finished its training and will be placed soon.
Fidelco is located in Bloomfield, a town just north of Hartford. Fidelco was founded in 1960 by Charles and Roberta Kaman. Charlie Kaman was an interesting guy who founded a company that makes helicopters and guitars. I really have to do a post about him some day.
A snowbird shows photos from southwest Florida (Naples) and southwest Connecticut (Ridgefield) and New England and other places he goes.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
East-West Grille
Six weeks ago I showed you the outside of a Thai restaurant, where a chef questioned why I was taking pictures of his restaurant. He told me to come back and try a meal some time. Recently my son and I visited for dinner.
The special was salmon mango curry, so I gave it a try. Very good! John had a Thai noodle dish, also very good. I showed my post to the chef and the manager. They got a good laugh.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Memorial Day Parade
Monday, May 28, 2012
Jumping Rope
This scene brought back memories. I remember when my daughter was learning how to jump rope. She jumped and jumped and jumped, and could barely walk the next day. I hope this vision in pink didn't exhaust herself.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
I Got Peonies!
Aren't these pretty? Each flower is bigger than a grapefruit. I don't have a macro lens, so I shot these with my camera's macro setting and that worked well enough for me.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
A Young Entrepreneur
Don't you love lemonade stands? I never pass one by without buying a drink, even if I need to spill it out when I get out of sight.
Friday, May 25, 2012
We All Scream For Ice Cream
These three good sports in the window of Ben and Jerry's were surprised to have a stranger photograph them .
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More reflections? Click here.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Bob and I worked together for many years. People in the company thought we were fierce rivals for promotional opportunities, but Bob and I both felt that we should just do our jobs and let the chips fall where they may. The chips fell pretty well for both of us.
A company that can't make good use of the talents of many people is the wrong company.
A company that can't make good use of the talents of many people is the wrong company.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
"Connecticut: We're Between Boston and New York!"
The Governor just announced a new logo for Connecticut, which will be launched with a $27 million advertising campaign.
Here are some predecessor tourism slogans for Connecticut: "Better Yet Connecticut (1980); CLASSIConnecticut: Pride of New England (1987) and Connecticut, We're Full of Surprises (1993).
Slogan making is not a core competence in this state. But, it is pretty here. You should come here any ways.
Here are some predecessor tourism slogans for Connecticut: "Better Yet Connecticut (1980); CLASSIConnecticut: Pride of New England (1987) and Connecticut, We're Full of Surprises (1993).
Slogan making is not a core competence in this state. But, it is pretty here. You should come here any ways.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Play Ball!
This complex has four fields. When I watched, there were Little League games at four different age and skill levels. This was the minor league game, with players eight and nine years old. It is the second level, and the first level at which the players pitch instead of having a coach pitch.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Next Exhibition
While I was at the New Britain Museum of American Art this week, I peeked through some temporary walls to see the artist preparing for a new exhibition that opened on Thursday. It is "Visual Plastic," an exhibition of the work of Michael Salter.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Another One Bites the Dust!
The main building is Gallaudet Hall, named for the school's founder, Thomas Gallaudet (left).
The building is 90 years old. It is a classical brick building with a white cupola. It is too big for a school with declining enrollment, and the high maintenance costs are strangling the school. They studied doing a major renovation, but it was uneconomic and unfinanceable. So, next week the school will start building a new, more efficient and smaller main building in front of Gallaudet Hall. When it is finished, Gallaudet Hall will be torn down.
The story is here.
Friday, May 18, 2012
UHart Prepares for Commencement, Part II
The tent from yesterday made cool patterns on the University of Hartford's Administration building.
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Like photos with reflections? Click here.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
UHart Prepares for Commencement
The University of Hartford is almost ready to greet its graduates and their families and friends this weekend. This colorful striped tent will welcome students from the Barney School of Business.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
It's Going Down!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Mothers Day
I found some mothers on my walk yesterday. Mother Lara was having lunch with daughters Delaney and Kristi on the patio at The Blue Elephant Trail, a Thai restaurant. And, Kirsten was shopping with her mother, Erlis, at a jewelry store.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Crystal again
While sitting outside Starbucks, my friend Crystal came along. When she saw my camera on the bench, she started dancing and posing.
Crystal forgot that I am a quick guy with a shutter button.
Friday, May 11, 2012
From the Highs of African Safaris . . .
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Derek the Plumber
Derek has been my plumber for 30+ years. Can you dial your plumber without looking up the phone number? 860-232- . . . That is what happens when you have lived in the same old house for three decades.
I ran into Derek on a dreary day in West Hartford Center. Derek had successful cataract surgery in October and he has lost 60 pounds since November. He is feeling and looking great. At 68, he has no intention of retiring and he still plays hockey once a week. One of the other players is 79, so Derek says he has at least 11 more years to play!
I ran into Derek on a dreary day in West Hartford Center. Derek had successful cataract surgery in October and he has lost 60 pounds since November. He is feeling and looking great. At 68, he has no intention of retiring and he still plays hockey once a week. One of the other players is 79, so Derek says he has at least 11 more years to play!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Carousel 5
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Out of the Jurisdiction: The Guys
My daughter Susie took a nice photograph of her fiancee Wes and Yours Truly getting ready to go out for a game drive.
I am scheduled to arrive back today, but an earlier flight was canceled and nothing in life is guaranteed. I hope to start posting new photos from Hartford soon, but as a precaution I have a couple of older ones lined up in blogger's autoposting. See you soon!
I am scheduled to arrive back today, but an earlier flight was canceled and nothing in life is guaranteed. I hope to start posting new photos from Hartford soon, but as a precaution I have a couple of older ones lined up in blogger's autoposting. See you soon!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Out of the Jurisdiction: Leopard in Motswari
Here is the fifth and last of the Big Five. Watching this leopard was the highlight of four days of South African game drives for me.
This three year old leopard had killed an impala and then struggled with wild dogs and hyenas over the carcass. Eventually the leopard dragged the impala into this tree so the other predators couldn't steal it.
I am scheduled to depart tomorrow, but will probably need a day or two to get organized before I post Hartford photos again. Thanks for visiting while I have been away.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Out of the Jurisdiction: Rhinos
Rhinoceros, her baby, and a red-billed oxpecker, the little bird that rides the back of big animals and grooms them.
Poachers are killing rhinos at a frightening pace. Their horns are prized in China and Vietnam. They are ground into powder for their imagined aphrodisiac properties. Even though the South African army has assigned troops to protect them, some experts predict that rhinos will be extinct within five years. Lunacy!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Out of the Jurisdiction: Baby Elephant
We were fortunate to see scores of elephants, including this photogenic baby elephant, during twice-daily game drives at the Motswari Game Preserve.
Motswari is part of the Timbavati Game Preserve, a group of private preserves adjoining the Kruger National Park. The land owners in Timbavati have removed their fences so game can roam more freely over a much larger territory.
Motswari is part of the Timbavati Game Preserve, a group of private preserves adjoining the Kruger National Park. The land owners in Timbavati have removed their fences so game can roam more freely over a much larger territory.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Out of the Jurisdiction: Buffalo
In African safaris, the Big Five are lion, buffalo, elephant, rhinoceros and leopard. Here is #2, a herd of buffalo at a watering spot at the Motswari game preserve.
If you like photos with reflections, click here.
If you like photos with reflections, click here.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Out of the Jurisdiction: Lion in Motswari
This young lion was one of three standing 10 yards feet from our vehicle. They spotted four warthogs and took off out of sight.
Last week we were in the Motswari game preserve at the northeastern corner of South Africa, adjoining the Kruger National Park.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Carousel 4
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Carousel 3

Carousel Museum, Bristol, Connecticut
I intended to take good notes about these carousel horses. There is a road paved with best intentions . . .
Sorry, folks. I am traveling and probably won't have time to look at your blogs until my return in May. But, I will read every one of your comments, so please continue to visit.
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