Sunday, May 26, 2024

Two Brothers

I read that two brothers began building identical houses side-by-side on Ridgefield's Main Street.  They had a falling out.  One brother stopped before building the rooftop cupola planned for both houses.

So, I went looking.

I decided that these two houses must be the ones.  A little time with Google confirmed it.  Ebenezer Hoyt owned the house on the left and Edwin Hoyt the house on the right. 

Edwin Hoyt's white house is probably about the way it was planned back in 1890, minus the cupola.

Ebenezer Hoyt's house with the cupola has had a front porch and sunroom added, as well as a beautiful blue paint job with other embellishments.  I found a photo on Flickr of the house in 2011 with a more subtle paint job.  It looks terrific either way.

1 comment:

Taken For Granted said...

Fascination story about the two brothers, and their falling out. Hope they eventually reconciled. The blue house is stunning with all its Victorian touches.