Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter. 

This photo was taken at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Savannah, during my recent biking trip in the low country of South Carolina and Georgia.


Lowell said...

Now that is absolutely stunning. What a fantastic shot! The colors are so vivid. You caught the light perfectly!

Karl said...

Happy Easter, Jack.

Birdman said...

Yes, Happy Easter. Great window. said...

Great photo for Easter, or any time. I see that you take active vacations, such as biking in the tidewater area and hiking at Lake Como. At least the area around Savannah would be flat.

Kate said...

It is a beautiful post for this special day. Terrific colours.

Dawn said...

A magnificent portrayal. Those windows always catch my eye...such art!
Have a wonderful Easter Jack!

(Sounds like quite the biking trip:)

Lois said...

Glorious! Happy Easter!

Regina K said...

Happy Easter Jack. A bike trip to the low country sounds like a great way to spend a week.

jennyfreckles said...

What a glorious window, wonderful. Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy Easter, Jack. I'm glad to have got to know you though your blog.

SRQ said...

We're thinking alike, Jack! And, more than you know. Yesterday, I was looking at photos from my trip to Savannah last fall and thought about posting a photo of stained glass from St. John the Baptist, but rejected the idea since I'm trying to keep my posts to subject matter within the Sarasota area. Anyway, wonderful capture! I really enjoyed my visit there. Happy Easter!

zakton said...

Happy Easter, Jack. The stained glass is so rich of colors.

EG CameraGirl said...

Gorgeous stained glass, Jack!

Randy said...

Great color! Enjoy your day!

RedPat said...

I can't think of a more perfect shot for the day! Wonderful! Have a Happy Easter, Jack!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

The detail is wonderful in this exquisite stained glass window... Glad that you got off the bike to capture it in Savannah!

Happy Easter,

Sharon said...

Biking!! That must have been fun! This is a gorgeous stained glass window and a perfect post for Easter Sunday.

VP said...

A really wonderful stained glass window!

Leif Hagen said...

What a magnificent panel of gorgeous stained glass windows!
Happy Easter to you and yours, Jack!

Rob Siemann said...

Wow, that's beautiful!
And a very happy Easter to you too!

Sebab said...

Happy Easter!

Cildemer said...

Great shot! The colours are so vivid and so beautiful!
Happy Easter to you, Jack;o)

Sylvia K said...

Superb capture for the day, Jack! Very beautiful! Hope you've had a great Easter weekend!


Virginia said...

Just a beautiful window and you captured it so well. These windows are hard for me. Share your secrets!

And you were in GA and didn't bike on over to B'ham??? Well I nevah!!! :)

Michelle said...

A stunning piece of glass work. Happy Easter to you.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Perfect exposure for the window. Hard to do. You bike?! These little peeks into personal lives are always so interesting.

Tim said...

Stain glass windows fascinate me with all their detail and shades of light.