Saturday, January 1, 2022

Photo of the Year

 We are our own harshest critics, aren't we? I posted photos for 365 days in 2021 and, at the time, thought that most were pretty good or I wouldn't have shown them.  Reviewing them in preparation for today's "Photo of the Year" post, I kept feeling an attitude of "meh."  Nice, sure, but special?

Because this damned virus wouldn't let up, I stayed close to home for much of the year, either in Florida in the winter or Connecticut in the summer.  Being confined led to MANY photos of the local birds.  So, it stands to reason that I have chosen this November egret photo for my "Photo of the Year."

This October roseate spoonbill received more love than any other of my Instagram photos in 2021.  I suspect that the bird was responsible for more of the love than the photo itself.

And I might have selected this photo from Provincetown during a week on Cape Cod with my family in July, except for the utility pole through the head of the unfortunate striding woman.

Let's see what other photographers chose for their own best photograph in 2021.


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

That's a superb picture of the egret, Jack. Swallowing dinner in that way deserves a prize in itself - as does walking along with a utility pole balanced on ones head! Lets hope we can wander a bit further in the next year.

RedPat said...

That is a great choice for the day, Jack. Happy New Year to you!

Taken For Granted said...

Jack, you had a great photographic year in 2021. Your bird photos are often spectacular, and it did not hurt that you live near some amazing birds, but your shots are the very definition of the critical moment. Happy New Year.

Sharon said...

These are three great photos Jack but I bet it was hard to choose. Your photos are always stunning! Happy New Year.

William Kendall said...

The spoonbill is my favourite.

Bob Crowe said...

Your photos of birds are spectacular. The show great technique and observation.

Jim said...

Great egret capture.