Wednesday, January 12, 2022


 On a quiet afternoon at the Village Shops on Venetian Bay, the blue of the sky, the bay, the umbrellas, the chairs and the table settings of a restaurant grabbed me.  Blue -- my favorite color.


Stefan Jansson said...

My favorite color as well.

William Kendall said...

Very different from here today.

Barbara Rogers said...

Ah, the Florida skies, which can change in an instant. But when they're blue they're the bluest you can get, except maybe Carolina blue, which is a bit different. I wonder why.

RedPat said...

It seems like blue may be the most popular of colours.

Sharon said...

All that blue makes a great photo.

Taken For Granted said...

This scene looks so inviting. Fresh air dining at its finest, and you were able to shot this between meal times.

Aimz said...

A very nice scene. I'd sit at that table with a coffee.

Tanya Breese said...

A lot of nice shades of blue! Pretty place!