Friday, September 11, 2020


What a year for LBJs:  Little Brown Jobs.  Wherever I go I am surrounded by LBJs.

I rarely even lift my camera for them, but the barrel is getting empty.


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

English House Sparrows, if I'm not mistaken. Easy to ignore but really quite wonderful. They can fly - which is something we can't do!

Taken For Granted said...

We have these around also, and I am always glad to see them.

RedPat said...

They seem to be such social creatures gathering in little herds at this time of year. They are the most common birds we have here too.

William Kendall said...

They're pretty little birds.

Linda said...

Cute! Have a good weekend.

JudithK said...

Ha. Yes, many years ago I became enamored of the abbreviations scientific sorts did when identifying things. I had quite a list, of which I remember very few, some of which applied to people, but the bird one from ornithologists was "lgb." Little grey bird, applied to those little things that flit around in the shrubbery that you can never get a good look at.