Thursday, July 14, 2011

Climbing Camp

A summer camp is held on the Connecticut River riverfront.  Among the activity centers are a ropes course and a climbing wall.


cieldequimper said...

I usually chickened out of this kind of thing...

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh it looks like great fun for someone who is not terrified of heights moi perhaps!!

Halcyon said...

A ropes course can be fun! But I prefer ziplining. It's quicker. ;)

Luis Gomez said...

These look really fun!

EG CameraGirl said...

Sad to say, I am afraid of heights. Plus I'm a klutz. But hey! It's great to see others having so much fun. :) said...

Looks like fun. After practicing there, they should come down to Costa Rica and do an adventure tour where they can do this type of thing in the jungle.

Randy said...

Now that would be a great way to spend the day!

Sylvia K said...

How fun!! I'm afraid I wouldn't do too well on those -- I'm not afraid of heights, but at my age I should be! Enjoy your day, Jack!


Sharon said...

Summer camp has sure changed over the years.

Birdman said...

Ya, I'll pass.

Lois said...

This looks like what I did on my vacation this summer with my grandson. In fact, I have a couple of pictures on my blog today of where we did our climbing. Those harnesses are not comfortable!

Malyss said...

Better them than me! I'm glad to read in a lot of comments that I'm not alone to be afraid of heights..:o)

Karl said...

This must be very exciting, but nothing for me...
Beautiful pics Jack, as always.

RedPat said...

That is not for me!

joo said...

They seem to have fun, don't the?
I love the first photo!

Unknown said...

The closest I've done was the Canopy Tour in the northern Argentina jungle and I love it.

jennyfreckles said...

I can hardly bear to look! Thank goodness I was never present when my daughter did these kinds of activities, but I'm sure she did them!

Virginia said...

I am not good at this type activity. I'm better suited for sipping wine and watching. Well last summer I did climb into a zipline tower but chickened out and just took photos.

VP said...

I am too old and heavy, but sometimes I dream of doing it. I'd like to take some pictures around anyway!

Tim said...

Looks like fun with the safety precautions! :)

Regina K said...

Looks like too much fun!

Tash said...

Totally awesome! High 20!
PS - so glad you changed your comment format. Now I can comment from the cyber-secure-work-computer.

Shannon said...

that does look like fun, but it's one thing I'd rather watch than do. I can climb up a ladder but panic coming down and start feel off-kilter.

Leif Hagen said...

Looks like fun and good exercise! Glad to see plenty of safety precautions!

Dawn said...

Yikes! I would strictly be spectator at this.
Unless i thought someone was about to plummet.
Then i would be the one curled up in a ball on the ground with her eyes covered.
And ears shut.
Ugh i hate heights.
Can you tell?;)

Gunn said...

They must have FUN!

Stefan Jansson said...

I would have loved that as a kid.