Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Great Wall of China


You can't go to Beijing without visiting the Great Wall of China.  It was begun in the 7th century and is placed along what was then the northern border of China.  This area is very mountainous and steep.  We visited the Badaling section of the wall and accessed it by a funicular ride. 

I will never be there again, so I walked all of the segments that were open to us.  That involved some heavy breathing and muscle aches.

We went in one direction, which was not crowded.  Busloads of Chinese tourists went in the opposite direction, reachable only by foot and without the cost of a funicular.  That section was extremely crowded.  It was one more illustration of the way the world works for the haves and for the have nots. 

A cluster of shops and statues is outside the wall. 


Taken For Granted said...

The funicular is new since we were at the Great Wall. In a number of visits to Beijing we made three trips to visit the Wall. That was enough. Your photos are wonderful as you caught its grand scope.

Stefan Jansson said...

A good workout with a number of good photos.