Friday, October 25, 2024


Ann was in line at Starbucks behind me.  She was coiffed and made up flawlessly and dressed boldly.  A Montana-born former stewardess (not a "flight attendant," she told me), Ann married a United pilot from Wyoming. An aunt told her that if she wanted to marry a real man, find one from Wyoming. 

Her husband later went into the oil exploration business.  They lived in Libya for seven years and, with their children, caught the last flight out of Tripoli after Muammar Gaddafi came to power.  They lived in Colorado and then moved to Southwest Florida 29 years ago, after he retired. 

Ann played golf, tennis and pickleball but has had to stop because of an arm issue.  She still plays bocce and works out in the fitness center.  Ann is a charming person.  We had a good conversation.

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