Friday, January 27, 2023

Medieval Faire I

Bonita Springs had a Renaissance Faire or Medieval Faire last weekend.

I was told that Vikings were mainly merchants and that their reputation as warriors is unfair.

I don't know what making bubbles in a butterfly-winged pixy outfit has to do with either the Renaissance or Medieval times, but she was having fun and was cute.

Ditto walking on stilts.

If devouring the meat on a turkey bone is a sign of Medieval authenticity, the faire had it.


William Kendall said...

Stilt walking tales so much practice.

RedPat said...

You sure get around, Jack.

Taken For Granted said...

Perhaps silt walking and meat eating were common at Medieval fairs. Your photos sure work for me.

Aimz said...

Now that's a festival I would love to go to, and dress up too

Stefan Jansson said...

I try to visit Viking markets when possible. Always fun as a photographer. I have a Flickr set from one such market where I managed to avoid photographing anything, or anyone modern.