Saturday, January 7, 2023

Clyde Butcher Gallery


Clyde Butcher is an elderly photographer with a gallery an hour to the east of Naples, at the edge of the Everglades.  He shows exquisitely sharp,  large scale, black and white photographs of nature.

Clyde's wife Niki is increasingly showing her images in the gallery.  

Hers usually have nearly pastel colors.


Barbara Rogers said...

When I lived in FL (up till 2007) the Butcher Brothers' photography was touted among my friends. And so one of them gave me a poster of one of their photos. Stark clouds above a tree. Beautiful, it may still be packed away somewhere!

RedPat said...

The scale is amazing, Jack.

Aimz said...

That's my type of landscape art, I like the one of driftwood on the beach.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful works!