It is confession time. Since I retired in 2010, I have been spending half the year in Florida, mainly in the winter. I have kept this blog filled with photos from Hartford because I take and store away plenty of indoors shots and non-seasonal outdoors shots in the months when I am back in Hartford.
But, there are some some winter events in Connecticut that I just can't cover without being there. I have thought about having a summer blog for Hartford and a different winter blog for Florida, but that is just too much work and would probably be confusing to viewers. So, this winter I will showcase occasional guest photographs from Connecticut and my own and guest photographs from places other than Connecticut -- like Florida for me and South Africa for my daughter Susie.
But, the anchor of this blog is greater Hartford, and the vast majority [90 percent?] of the photos you will see this winter will be my photographs of Connecticut, either taken on occasional returns to Hartford or taken back when the weather was a little kinder. OK?
Sounds good to me, Jack. Thanks for keeping us informed. Hope you have a wonderfully, warm Christmas!
have a bright and toasty winter while we new englanders shiver away the dark months.
A sweet capture from your guest photographer .... I'm happy to see your photos from anywhere Jack they're always well captured and interesting .... just keep on blogging!
Okay! Looking forward to seeing your Florida posts (and all others, of course). I've often contemplated having a guest photographer too. I'm sure it will make things easier for you.
Snowbirds have a unique set of problems. So deal with it!
I like this shot because of the woman and her child. Mother and child reunion makes the picture.
Playing any golf?
Enjoy your time in the south. Wish I could be there with you! :)
Enjoy Florida Jack, looking forward to the occasional glimpse, also Susie's guest shots from South Africa, I was wondering how they were getting on over there.
P.s. so I'm going to take your advice next time and just ask for 'public co-operation in my shots haha! Will let you know how that goes!!
It's OK with me Jack, I'm happy to follow you wherever you go. Your guest photographer did a great job on this one.
Great capture from your guest photographer, Jack! And I, too, look forward to some occasional shots from Florida! Enjoy your day!
Enjoy your time in Florida, Jack! A complicated problem, but your solution works for me!
OK, Jack! Looking forward to seeing your shots of Florida and your dauhgter's from South Africa (I guess you know how much I love Africa!), as well as other guests.
I think you have found a perfect solution. I look forward to seeing what you and your guests capture. The guest shot today is darling.
Why don't you try two blogs because I would love to see Florida through your eyes. I keep several blogs (México and Santa Fe, when we're there, and this year I hope to open one for Charleston, SC, too). Your loyal fans will follow you from Hartford to your Florida city. Not a big deal; you're only posting from one city so there's no extra work.
You lucky guy!! I spend the summer in Bolzano and the winter in Bolzano...
No problem, Jack, I follow you everywhere.
Love the guest shot! (OK, I'm a Nana.)
That's fine by me! Come February I'll be wishing that I was in Florida too.
Where ever you are, I always like your pictures; I always learn and discover something from your blog and beautyful photos. So, do as you feel, keep having pleasure while blogging, and go on lightening our days!
Sounds a great idea to fly south for the winter. I'd be very happy to be cheered up with sunny Florida photos in these dark months. So I won't be complaining, whatever you choose to post!
Have fun, enjoy the sun...
OK! Have a great time. And it's a lovely photo!
I'm glad you came to this decision, Jack. I have no problem with you using Hartford as your base. Even in Florida you are still Hartford Jack - or is it Jack from Hartford?
That becomes a problem when you travel much. Makes me wish I hadn't called mine a Daily Photo specific to a city. Oh well, you are lucky to be able to leave the cold and I love this image!
The beach sounds good right about now :) I enjoy your pictures of Hartford, no matter where you are posting them from!
Nice shot. Have a great time.
Gee.... and you said I was "far afield" in one of my recent posts! ;)
No matter where you are, I always enjoy the photos you post. Enjoy the warm weather
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