Yesterday I said that the courtroom of the Connecticut Supreme Court is small and relatively plain. Many bloggers disagreed and called it "plush" or "elegant." I guess I was thinking it is small and relatively plain because I have seen the courtrooms of Supreme Courts in some other states, like Ohio, which are gorgeously ornate.
But, I DO think the ceiling is pretty nice. Right?
Very nice indeed... And I wonder how much work is applied to produce a ceiling like this...
God bless you!
Oh wow, the ceiling is spectacular.
The ceiling is very nice indeed, has a certain resemblance to the ceilings of our churches.
For sure!... church-like.
It's very elegant and fancy! Making we think you were in Paris or Venice or London! Happy Sunday, Jack!
For a moment, I thought I might be on a European blog! Ceiling art is usually quite colorful and bright What is the story of the mural/fresco?
Seems a little strange for the setting to me. The CT Supreme Court protects mothers and children while lighting the way to, um, dead angels? It's a tasty Baroque confection but it would distract me during oral argument.
There is an account of a trial in which Abraham Lincoln is described as staring at the ceiling during the other side's argument. He certainly did not have a ceiling like this to admire. He was likely distracting the jury.
Wow that is amazing!
Nice! If I were an attorney presenting a case there, I'm sure the Chief Justice would say, "Counselor, are you searching for divine intervention? Is that why you continue to look upward?"
Yes, this could easily be a church... reminds me of Paris
Wow! That is a pretty amazing ceiling, Jack! Not one that I would necessarily expect to find here in the states! Terrific capture! Hope you have a great day!
You are right, an interesting contrast with the simplicity of the bench.
More than pretty, absolutely wonderful ! I also was thinking about a church first..
fabulous ceiling, looks Michaelangelo-esque!
Granted I have not seen many state supreme courtrooms, but the ones I have seen have all been rather sober like your shot yesterday. This ceiling does give a little touch of the "fancy" though. I like it!
I wouldn't mind thinking and gnawing away at cases under this one!
Happy New Year to you and yours, Jack. I am back and as is customary in France, I am allowed to wish you all the best until the end of the month! :-)
Quite well done ... lovely warm colors. Reminds me a bit of the palais at Versailles.
Love this shot! Why don't you come enter it in my Weekly Top Shot meme? We're on Week #11 and I'd love to see you share with me! Here's this weeks' link: http://www.theviewfromrighthere.com/blog/?p=5812
Pretty nice it definitely is Jack! In fact I'd even say beautiful with a touch the Italian Masters.
It's fabulous!
I am still chuckling over your comment from yesterday!!
Wow now that is a ceiling, absolutely stunning.
Nicely captured! This reminds me of ceilings I saw in the Louvre in Paris. A little gold leaf does wonders for even the most humble of chambers.
Beautiful and yes...a bit church-like.
wow, beautiful. the lighting is perfect
There's nothing plain about that ceiling Jack, thanks for looking up!!
I surely agree with you, Jack!
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