Friday, June 14, 2024


 I have been staying in Polignano, a town on the Adriatic, and taking day trips to other towns in Apullia.

Domenico Modugno, a Polignano native, wrote and sang Volare.  His home town is very proud of him.  Everyone who passes his seaside statue has to be photographed echoing his joyful expression.

At night, streets with Volare's lyrics are lit from above.

The beach is surrounded by cliffs.  It is very busy on the weekend.

I have a pretty "golden hour" view from the balcony off my hotel room.

The view from my balcony back toward the bridge, Ponte Borbonico su Lama Monachile, in early evening.

Looking back at the hotel from the bridge.


Taken For Granted said...

Now I have Volare in my head. What a fascinating place. I would love to walk these streets. Wonderful photos, Jack.

JudithK said...

You have a good room.

Stefan Jansson said...

What a great place. Epic song also.