Friday, February 2, 2018

Two buses

Bus 1:  Marissa.  I have never understood how Marissa -- an expensive women's clothing store -- can occupy a very large store and yet I never see anyone walk in or out.  And now they have a bus?

Bus 2:  One Million Acts of Kindness.  This man's heart is in the right place.  He is everywhere.


Andy said...

Good luck on the kindness. It is truly needed.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

We have shoe shops like that in Cambridge - never any customers even trying on the shoes. Then understandably they close down. Then, mind-bogglingly, they open up a new shop in another part of town. And meanwhile another seller of shoes moves into the first property! One would think there'd be too many shoe shops. On the other hand you can't have too much kindness.

Gunn said...

I hope you have the camera ready in case you see someone entering or leaving the fashion shop... I am curious to see what their customers look like. Perhaps they are all working.... or they have started a new lifestyle in 2018.

Anyway, happy weekend!

PS. We have sunshine and -2C here in Stavanger.

William Kendall said...

A complete contrast in buses!

RedPat said...

What would Marissa do with that bus? It is good to know that there is some kindness around!

Taken For Granted said...

Perhaps Marissa picks up customers at the airport? A million acts of kindness seems like an excellent idea, and an old city bus gets recycled.

Kay said...

It looks as if Marissa is busing in customers from afar. Perhaps for personalized fashion shows?
The Global Kindness Tour should head to D.C. I can think of a couple of places where he should park.

jennyfreckles said...

I've never heard of a clothes shop with a bus before! As for kindness, we should do it but don't shout about it.