Thursday, January 1, 2015


In Immokalee I spotted a bored man in a white shirt and another in a red shirt sitting on steps  The symmetry and the tedium appealed to me.  Then I saw a man in a  red shirt on a bicycle, two blocks away.  I waited for him to enter the scene and get to a spot that balanced the first red-shirted man.
I clicked the shutter.  It isn't a flashy image, just a simple glimpse of ordinary life, but I liked it.

On the first day of the New Year, City Daily Photo bloggers show their best (or favorite) photograph of the previous year.  I showed this photo in January 2014.  Other CDP bloggers are
showing their own "Photo of the Year" here.


Karl said...

Oh yes, I remember this photo very well !
Happy New Year, Jack, to You and Yours ! Best wishes from South Tyrol.

Stefan Jansson said...

It's an interesting and quiet scene Jack.

Andy said...

Nice street photograph. Happy New Year Jack!

Mersad said...

A great shot Jack. I wish you a Happy New Year my friend!

VP said...

An amazing photo, certainly one of my favorites! Happy New Year from Tuscany!

Kate said...

Happy New year, Jack! Finally recovering and glad to be back.

Unknown said...

Brilliant composition! Happy New Year, Jack.

Sharon said...

What a great shot Jack. It's perfect composition and it has feeling too. Happy New Year!

Luis Gomez said...

Excellent! I remember this one.

Lowell said...

I've been to Immokalee many times and you certainly caught the flavor of the place! It's a terrific photo.

Wishing you and your family the very best in 2015!

Birdman said...

Well done! Happy New Year!

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Interesting and colorful choice, happy new year from Spain!

Gerald (SK14) said...

lovely shot - happy new year

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Yes I remember this one too.. I remember thinking how well rewarded your patience was! It is fabulous in it's simplicity and symmetry. All the very best for 2015 Jack.

EG CameraGirl said...

Yep, this is a great choice, Jack. I like this one too.

MeMumbaikar said...

Excellent choice for Jan 1
Simple and lovely shot.
Thanks for your visit.
Happy New Year!

RedPat said...

I remember this one well, Jack! A good choice from among many great shots - looking forward to more in the year ahead. Happy New Year!
I assume you are heading south to the warmth again soon!

Bob Crowe said...

I like it a lot, too. It's got visual tension, those two sedentary men but also those angles pulling your eye all over the place. Well done.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes!! One of the great ones indeed!! Hope you have a wonderful and very Happy New Year, Jack, and that you spend lots of time, camera in hand! And most of all -- ENJOY!!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I was "impressed and jealous" back in January last year - and I still am! Wishing you all the best for the coming year.

Gunn said...


Happy New Year!

Randy said...

Perfect choice for theme day.

cieldequimper said...

Yeah I remember this brilliant photo!

Happy New Year, bonne année !

Kay said...

Yes! This one is outstanding. I remember it well and am pleased to see an encore. You caught a wonderful moment.
Thanks for all the great images you shared in 2014, Jack. And here's to a wonderful new year...with more adventures and more fine shots.

Linda said...

Excellent composition! Happy New Year!

jennyfreckles said...

Such pleasing symmetry and well-balanced, as you say. A fitting encore to start the year.

Jim said...


William Kendall said...

I remember this shot! Excellent choice!

Virginia said...

I remember this shot and am happy to have another chance to study it. You nailed the moment Jack. Good one.

CaT said...

happy new year!

i remember this one! :)