To me, this looks like a prototypical reading room at a prototypical public library. I am curious how my viewers will feel. Then again, I have lived in New England for a long time. Austere windsor chairs and pine tables are pretty normal around here.
The wood tables and chairs are what first hit me, too. I remember this style library from when I was a child back in, uh, whenever that was.... ;) Nice image. It's a shame there aren't more people using it!
This looks a lot like the library that I like to spend time at in Toronto, except the chairs at the tables are not as elaborate. And we also have a couple of comfy arm chairs near the windows. Maybe I'll have to get a shot the next time I'm there. It's never empty though and I don't like photographing people against their will. :)
PS: I think a library shot would make a good theme day subject!
I love libraries and bookshops and your photo is so lovely!
My first reaction also was the wooden chairs. Maybe I am getting old, but my first thought was that chairs that have a cushioned seat, and the tip back and swivel, with arms, wold be a lot more comfortable place to sit while spending time reading a book.
Maybe my view of the importance of comfort in chairs was influenced by the fact that I spent most of last evening at the emergency room with Julie's mother and grandmother, due to her grandmother trying to get up from her comfortable motorized reclining chair to transfer to her wheel chair, but falling instead. It was our second trip to the ER in two days.
Very nice shot!
It's a very welcoming library where I would love to sit a moment and read!
Thanks for sharing, Jack;o)
Have a fabulous week****
Austere indeed.
Nice magazine selection. Far superior to ours.
Got that 'old school' feel. What, no cushioned chairs looking out towards a glass wall?
Not as elegantly ornate as the reading room in the New York Central Library but, functional none the less. It appears there is plenty of good lighting to read by.
That's a good-sized reading room, Jack. The entire library must be huge. Lucky citizens who read!
I love the chairs and tables and they look quite different from the libraries here in Seattle! A really beautiful library to my way of thinking and I love your capture, as always! Hope you're enjoying a great week, Jack!
I agree Jack it does look like a typical library scene, I think I might try and get there early and nab one of the 'comfy' chairs at the side there!
It's a nice-looking room. Looks very much like the library we have in our Ocala house which you saw on the Ocala blog today.
We do have a "No Smoking" sign in our library, though, 'cause we get lots of alligator wrestlers who come to read up on "How to stay alive and make a living wrestling alligators" and most of them smoke up a storm claiming they probably won't very long anyway so they might as well light up!
I happen to love Windsor chairs so these will do for me, thanks. :-)
I like the austere look: reading or studying is a serious thing...
At first sight, I thought about a restaurant.. Then I saw the books and read your text.i like the warm color of the place, very welcoming, and I LOVE the windsor chairs! So, a great place to my eyes.
The chairs are definitely different than here and as Halcyon says, the libraries in Toronto always seem to be packed with people!
Not many people reading - maybe people need those ads you showed the other day. Or maybe they need comfier chairs.
KC does not have such nice table and chairs. I find windsor chairs so appealing.
My small town library has comfy chairs and even a sectional sofa in a corner! People come and stay all day in there!
Doesn't look too much different here...
It doesn't feel like that to me because it's so bright. My image of library reading rooms involves dark wood, dim light and reading lamps at each desk covered with dark green glass. Ever been to the main branch of the Boston Public Library on Copley Square?
I think it's beautiful. But that's coming from a history major!
Yes a very New England style to this Old Englander's eyes too. I like it!
I like this atmosphere, I would love to enjoy a good book there right now!
It has a little bit for everyone...overstuffed chairs on the side plus the center tables and chairs. Looks like there's room for computers, too with outlets on the floor. I like the look of the tables and chairs...less sterile than many libraries and they lend a feeling of "comfort" to the room.
This very much reminds me of libaries I knew as a child. :)
Very inviting ambiance. I love the Windsor chairs for appearance, and the oversized leather chairs for actual sitting and reading. Well cared for carpet too.
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