Mountain Road, Bloomfield
I have been fighting a losing battle with spotty internet service since Irene visited two weeks ago and knocked us off-line for a while. It is time to bring in an expert. If I have been absent from your blog recently, it is a lack of ability, not a lack of interest.
Now that offers the birds some interesting and varied accommodation options !
i like the counterpoint of those pink pants in the background. good luck with the tech stuff, jack.
I'm wondering if these are stacked for the garbageman to pick up. : ) Sorry to hear HDP must outsource its IT work. Best of luck!
You let a woman get the best of you again, heh?
Now this shot is really for the birds!
Thanx for the welcome back. Knee surgery successful...on the road to recovery. Should play golf by December (I hope!)
Haha... this makes me laugh!
What a scene, Jack!
High density living!! Excellent find Jack. Good luck with your technical problems.
I hope you'll win the fight versus Internet. I like the picture! I guess birds don't mind if houses are a little messy..Ü
This is just great, what a cool find! Good luck with the net connection.
Topsy turvy houses and containers. A bit odd, but certainly eye-catching, esp. for an alert photographer.
A nice hodgepodge of bird-rentals... good luck with the IT issues. I think that we are very dependent on "it" working - hah!
I wonder if these houses are inhabited. Good luck with the connection problems.
This is a wonderful shot Jack. I hope you get your internet problems worked out soon.
Best of luck, Jack! The Internet is wonderful when it works well, and a real pain when it doesn't.
Obviously not your high class bird neighborhood -- looks like some people neighborhoods I saw recently! Too busy to be tidy!!! Terrific shot as always, Jack, and I am sorry about the internet problems -- they're such a pain in the whatever!! Oh, and I love the spot of pink! Enjoy your day!
Love this!!! Poor birds, might starve to death before decide which feeder use!
Keep my fingers crossed for your internet battle:)
Like this one Jack. Hopefully you will get Internet working properly soon.
I may have to try this design, quite unique. Isn't it funny how the internet has become a have to have. I feel lost now without my laptop and smart phone.
Hope your internet is back up and running soon. After the time it took to get service after we moved, I can understand your pain.
Love this shot today. That bunch of bird houses looks inviting to me. I hope the birds like it too!
Naughty, bad Irene! Spotty and/or slow internet service is maddening indeed!
Autumn regards to you Jack
LOL funny composition! You are such a great finder, this shot is very cool!
Funny photo. Glad you spotted it and then shared it.
Sometimes more is too much...
Hope you're back up permanently soon... we have lots of tall fir trees here in Western WA, in the winter when the ground is soaked and a big storm blows off the Pacific, down they go and we're without power too... no fun as we're all so dependent upon it.
Great find !
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