Friday, January 24, 2025


 In a serene park near Naples Community Hospital (NCH), a bust of Bacchus stares out atop a pedestal.

The concrete bust -- called Vinum Vitae (Wine of Life) -- commemorates the 25th anniversary of the Naples Winter Wine Festival.  Auctions at the Wine Festival raise staggering amounts of money to support at risk children in Collier County.

The bust is at the edge of a small lake in the park.  It was sculpted by American sculptor Brett F. Harvey.  The piece draws inspiration from Italian viticulture, mythology, and the Mediterranean aesthetic integral to Naples, Florida.

Now that current medical research says that no amount of alcohol is safe, and the surgeon general in the Biden administration has urged that a warning label go on bottles of alcohol, I wonder if the Wine Festival will continue as it has.  My guess?  Money will prevail and the auction will continue unabated. 


Taken For Granted said...

It does seem odd to me that Bacchus is a statue sponsored by a hospital. While I do enjoy an occasional glass of wine, I also realize the widespread disease and social devastation caused by alcohol consumption.

William Kendall said...

Quite a bust. I've sampled enough from wine to whiskey to have decided I don't like the taste of the stuff.