Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Grand Granddaughters

 The nine year old was the only kid to participate in, and finish, the ironman triathlon.  Swimming 400 yards, kayaking a quarter mile and finishing with a two mile run.  Her mom also competed and finished.  Her dad swam and kayaked, then accompanied her on the run.

At the evening talent show, the nine year old brought the house down rapping the opening song of "Hamilton."  (Her seven year old sister sang Woody Guthrie's version of "This Land is Your Land," but grandpa was busy making a video of the performance and forgot to capture a still photo . . . bad grandpa.)

The seven year old was the first kid this year to complete the mile-and-a-half shoreline swim, 
with mom providing company and encouragement.

Congratulations, girls.  Proud grandpa.


Taken For Granted said...

Grandpa, you are doing great. You have amazing granddaughters.

Stefan Jansson said...

Great kids, great grandfather.

William Kendall said...

Proud indeed.