Monday, July 8, 2024

Back in Connecticut

 We returned from the week in New Hampshire on Saturday afternoon.

While away, the four house finch eggs in the wreath on the front door hatched.  Mama visits regularly.  I put a pillowcase over the glass so that activities in the hallway don't disturb them.  It is fun watching the finch family grow, but I admit that I would like to get the use of my front door back. 

Meanwhile, the house wren chicks in my red birdhouse fledged while I was away.  Now I sometimes see either a fledgeling or mama make a return visit to the house.  Must be nostalgia.

The bees are having a ball in my pollinator garden.

I still have not seen any monarch butterflies yet.  Yesterday I thought I saw one bouncing from one bee balm (monarda) bloom to another.  But, it seemed too small and had four big dots.  So, I looked it up and found that my visitor is an American painted lady butterfly.

And something -- probably deer -- has been feasting on my plants, including this hydrangea I planted last year.  It looks like there will still be some bloom.  My approach is to plant enough that there are some for them, some for me.


Taken For Granted said...

Jack, wonderful photo of the abundant life in your garden. Good of you to share your house with the House Finch family. What fun watching their progress. I wish them well.

William Kendall said...

Lovely shots!