Monday, July 22, 2024

Men in Black

Albert Bender lived and worked in Bridgeport, Connecticut.  He became a believer in Unidentified Flying Objects and created an organization to study and report on UFOs.  In July 1953 Bender was visited by three Men in Black, aliens from another world, who told him to stop all UFO work, which he did. 

Brad Noble is a Bridgeport artist who painted a Men in Black mural about Bender's visit from the three aliens as part of a Bridgeport mural project.  The mural is just a couple of blocks from where Bender's home stood before it was demolished for an interstate highway project.

Linked to Monday Murals.


Sami said...

Great mural and an even greater story :)
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Jack.

Taken For Granted said...

When I saw your title I assumed it was about the movie Men in Black. But no, it was a local fellow with a story to tell. What a wonderful mural.

Stefan Jansson said...

Good story.