A snowbird shows photos from southwest Florida (Naples) and southwest Connecticut (Ridgefield) and New England and other places he goes.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Samuel Colt Memorial
This is Samuel Colt's monument and a nearby cross at Cedar Hill Cemetery in Hartford. You see the "rampant colt" in a weathered shield on the memorial. The rampant colt has long been a trademark of Colt Firearms.
The Arizona Legislature recently passed a law making the Colt 45 the official state gun of Arizona. There is no connection between Colt and Arizona, except a lot of the guns were used in the old West.
We would never have known of Samuel Colt had it not been for an order of guns from the Texas Ranger who adapted Comanche fighting tactics to fight the Comanche. Samuel Colt had to redesign his six-shooter and find a manufacturer to fill that order. The rest, as they say, is history. Nice photo.
@PerthDailyPhoto....I'm bit late with my reply to your stupid comment
I agree with you that Samuel's monument is very impressive indeed. I would also mention the beauty of it also is being a lovely and thoughtful gift from his wife, a tribute she had made & erected in his honor, the memory of him and also their 5 children which all pre-deaceaced Mrs. Colt....
That is what's truly a "pity", not that he used his mind to design and develop " bad guns" If you happen to be a mother, then you might know the worst thing that could happen in life to you is to have you child (or children) pass away before you do. That dear Miss Perth is what is really called a Pity, not that Sam Colt used his inventive genius to produce a "the great equalizer of men" There's well known post Civil War slogan after Mr. Colt's early death that goes "Abe Lincoln may have freed all men, but Sam Colt made them equal.".....That slogan has been altered a bit and well repeated for nearly 150 years and is quite a true statement, it goes.... "That God Created Men, But Colonel Colt made them Equal"...... It's a true statement because not only did a Colt revolver make all men equal, but also Women and/or children or old & weak people faced with much stronger or larger foes.
Most anti-gun and anti 2nd amendment advocates want themselves and would want all our citizens to just rely on calling 911 for protection when the need arises.......For example when someone breaks into you home or we could say invades our "Castle" to rob, rape, murder or harm you or your family.....Just call 911.... This thinking is a completely unrealistic in todays society. The average wait time for a response from Law enforcement is somewhere around 8 minutes give or take 30 minutes....or more....it all depends on where you live...... For me and my family, I am 911 ....when a threat to life or limb occurs in OUR home, or anywhere you have a right to be safe and unmolested, there is no talking to 911 and waiting for something to be done.....sudden danger need quick actions.... When you or another trained and responsible family member has any type of Great Equalizer in their hands, this is whats called 911
So miss PerthDailyPhoto....Guns are bad you say?...Really?.... I guess that all the brave men (and women) that gave there lives so that even ignorant people can make comments such as you've made. Think about this for a moment if it's possible for you, I know it hurts to think, but please try as hard as you can.... If it were not for guns and the people who put them to "good use", our country would not even exist today.
Have you ever heard of the Revolutionary war? the Civil War?...or WWI?..or WW2? Hmmmm, maybe not. You should read history books sometime...... Freedom is not free, a price had to be paid.....many had to give the ultimate sacrifice for this country, including some of my family. Many a patriot fell on battlefields far and wide for our freedoms. Maybe with a Colt Mfg. Co. made pistol, revolver, rifle and yes even (drum roll please) one of those very "bad guns".....automatic weapons called a machinegun or sub-machine gun....or as you and other anti-gun people would say these days.... "an assault weapon" oh my...just terrible, BAD GUNS.
(Applause please)
The Declaration of Independence ....a well written 237 year document without guns could have been used for the bottom of a bird cage or even something else less dignified IF it were not for yes, that's right G-U-N-S......BAD GUNS!!! as you call them Miss Perth.
If it were not for Guns and some very intelligent, brave, determined and fed up colonists (along with some others who were like minded) the following words on that 237 year old document....some of the greatest thoughts and words ever put in writing would have been a worthless scrap of trash....
Hah! I had no idea that a Colt-45 was named after an individual. Not given it much thought, in fact. His monument is in a very nice shade of marble.
Very nice Jack!
Hi Jack! You're a funny guy and it's a good think you're way up north or this old man might have to come "gunning" for you! ;-)
I'd like to own a Colt but they are too expensive and I think there are enough guns in circulation at this time.
Nice memorial to the man who is said to have "won the west."
Such a beautiful monument!
Beneath Thy Feet
A well known name in the west.
Great shot for the day, Jack. I, too, didn't know that the Colt was named after a family! Lovely memorial! Enjoy your day!!
One learns all life! I didn't know the origins of the Colt's name:)
Both very beautiful and appropriate!
The Arizona Legislature recently passed a law making the Colt 45 the official state gun of Arizona. There is no connection between Colt and Arizona, except a lot of the guns were used in the old West.
I didn't know where the Colt name came from either. That is a very impressive monument and I love the color of the marble too.
I didn't know Co;t was from Hartford. I learned something new today.
We would never have known of Samuel Colt had it not been for an order of guns from the Texas Ranger who adapted Comanche fighting tactics to fight the Comanche. Samuel Colt had to redesign his six-shooter and find a manufacturer to fill that order. The rest, as they say, is history. Nice photo.
That detail with the horse is magnificent! I also like a lot the angle in your first shot!:)
I love the details on that cross!
whew, so I am definitely not the only one who did not know the Colt's origins!
That is a beautiful monument - I would like to see more of it.
That is one beautiful looking cross.
Impressive and intricate.
I had no idea Colt had ties to Hartford. Very interesting post.
That's a lot of detail in that cross! And thanks for putting in some information about Colt. :)
i like the cross.
just like julie, never thought about the colt... :)
Very impressive monument, pity Mr. Colt didn't spend his energies on something a little more worthwhile! Guns are bad!
@PerthDailyPhoto....I'm bit late with my reply to your stupid comment
I agree with you that Samuel's monument is very impressive indeed. I would also mention the beauty of it also is being a lovely and thoughtful gift from his wife, a tribute she had made & erected in his honor, the memory of him and also their 5 children which all pre-deaceaced Mrs. Colt....
That is what's truly a "pity", not that he used his mind to design and develop " bad guns"
If you happen to be a mother, then you might know the worst thing that could happen in life to you is to have you child (or children) pass away before you do. That dear Miss Perth is what is really called a Pity, not that Sam Colt used his inventive genius to produce a "the great equalizer of men"
There's well known post Civil War slogan after Mr. Colt's early death that goes "Abe Lincoln may have freed all men, but Sam Colt made them equal.".....That slogan has been altered a bit and well repeated for nearly 150 years and is quite a true statement, it goes.... "That God Created Men, But Colonel Colt made them Equal"...... It's a true statement because not only did a Colt revolver make all men equal, but also Women and/or children or old & weak people faced with much stronger or larger foes.
Most anti-gun and anti 2nd amendment advocates want themselves and would want all our citizens to just rely on calling 911 for protection when the need arises.......For example when someone breaks into you home or we could say invades our "Castle" to rob, rape, murder or harm you or your family.....Just call 911.... This thinking is a completely unrealistic in todays society. The average wait time for a response from Law enforcement is somewhere around 8 minutes give or take 30 minutes....or more....it all depends on where you live...... For me and my family, I am 911 ....when a threat to life or limb occurs in OUR home, or anywhere you have a right to be safe and unmolested, there is no talking to 911 and waiting for something to be done.....sudden danger need quick actions.... When you or another trained and responsible family member has any type of Great Equalizer in their hands, this is whats called 911
So miss PerthDailyPhoto....Guns are bad you say?...Really?.... I guess that all the brave men (and women) that gave there lives so that even ignorant people can make comments such as you've made.
Think about this for a moment if it's possible for you, I know it hurts to think, but please try as hard as you can....
If it were not for guns and the people who put them to "good use", our country would not even exist today.
Have you ever heard of the Revolutionary war? the Civil War?...or WWI?..or WW2? Hmmmm, maybe not. You should read history books sometime...... Freedom is not free, a price had to be paid.....many had to give the ultimate sacrifice for this country, including some of my family. Many a patriot fell on battlefields far and wide for our freedoms. Maybe with a Colt Mfg. Co. made pistol, revolver, rifle and yes even (drum roll please) one of those very "bad guns".....automatic weapons called a machinegun or sub-machine gun....or as you and other anti-gun people would say these days.... "an assault weapon" oh my...just terrible, BAD GUNS.
(Applause please)
The Declaration of Independence ....a well written 237 year document without guns could have been used for the bottom of a bird cage or even something else less dignified IF it were not for yes, that's right G-U-N-S......BAD GUNS!!! as you call them Miss Perth.
If it were not for Guns and some very intelligent, brave, determined and fed up colonists (along with some others who were like minded) the following words on that 237 year old document....some of the greatest thoughts and words ever put in writing would have been a worthless scrap of trash....
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