Monday, June 3, 2024

P. T. Barnum Mural

 Bridgeport is a big, struggling city with a bad habit of electing convicted felons as mayor.

But, Bridgeport also has a very active street art community.  The circus impresario P. T.  Barnum lived in Bridgeport in his later years, serving in the Connecticut legislature and then as Bridgeport mayor.  He is memorialized in a wonderful 2023 mural by Octavio Logo @octavio_logo.

Linked to Monday Mural.


Stefan Jansson said...

Nice mural, I guess I should read up on the convicted felons.

Taken For Granted said...

What a great mural dedicated to P. T. Barnum.

Sami said...

Fantastic mural to honour P.T. Barnum.
Electing convicted felons as mayors, lol, I wonder how that works out for the city? LOL
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Jack.