Thursday, May 23, 2024

Ballard Park

 Ridgefield is lucky to have a big park at the edge of downtown.  Ballard Park has mature specimen trees, open space, a playground, a gazebo and a bandstand.  And, at the northwest corner, a lovely garden.

It is early for many of the plants to bloom, of course, but there is good mid-Spring color.  My own lilacs are finished, but Ballard Park's lilacs still have good color.

Big peony blossoms will line the pathways in a week.

I loved the hosta plants in my West Hartford yard, but I can't grow them in my yard on a country road in Ridgefield.  There, hosta are considered "deer candy."  I like seeing them in this in-town fenced garden.


RedPat said...


Taken For Granted said...

This is a beautiful garden, Jack. I do love all the spring blooms. The summer flowers will come later.

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Oh, your garden is lovely, so many beautiful plants.