Thursday, January 17, 2019

License Plates

Interesting license plates have always caught my eye.  Now they catch my lens, too.

If you say so.

Yes, sir, I am impressed.  A Medal of Honor winner.  Thank you for your service.

Julie, meet David.  David, meet Julie.

I know several guys who would disagree.

Here's looking at you.

A driver with a lot of relationships.


  1. Interesting collection. Some amusing and some with bragging rights. ;-)

  2. These ones are easy to read. I'm always intrigued by the ones where you think it must be spelling out something.

  3. It is fun to see these license plates with a message. Sometimes it takes a while to figure them out but these are pretty straight forward. That last one made me smile. I used to have a luggage tag that simply said "Mine". On one of my trips this last year, it got broken by the baggage handlers and I haven't found one like it again.

  4. What a great series of vanity license plates. I can relate to the Bears fan.

  5. A lot of snowbirds down in warmer climates, I see!
