Friday, January 18, 2019

Someone Likes Flamingos

Not sure I would want to live next to them.


  1. Living next door to real live peacocks is not at all pleasant, but these don't look like they'd be a lot of trouble. I'd even look after them while their owners are away (for a small fee).

  2. They are rather fun to see when you are sitting here in the cold winter! ;-)

  3. Ha! I live in a neighborhood of stately homes near the University. We have a neighbor obsessed with plastic flowers - even poking out of the snow. *sigh* I'm surprised she hasn't discovered flamingos.

  4. Oh my goodness, that's a lot of plastic flamingos!

  5. Thank you for the funny flamingo photos. Your photos brought a smile, and I'm also not sure I want to live next to them.
