Monday, March 12, 2018

They were here first

One panel of a mural on the side of a building along Old Route 41 in Bonita Springs.
I will save the other panels for future weeks so I can participate in Monday Mural.
The artist is Jarrett Stinchcomb, who grew up in Marco Island but now lives in Naples.


  1. Very realsitic. And important, too.

  2. Beautiful mural, looking forward to the other ones.
    Thanks for participating Jack.

  3. They were here first, and the story of how they lost the land is sad. The Spanish stole the land first, and later so did the English. It is another case of might makes right. That is a fine mural. Good find.

  4. This is very nice and the title so true.

  5. Yes, they were! Love the colors and details.

  6. This is very well done. I think many of the anti-immigrant pundits seem to be forgetting this nuanced detail these days.
