Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Flag Seller

Ron sells flags out of his truck near an exit from Interstate Route 75.  Confederate flags are prominent among them.  Ron is quick to say, "They aren't political, but this is the South, 
and lots of people like them here."  Maybe.


  1. You have a real knack for getting people to pose for you. The flags are definitely history. Same thing happen here in Canada as some groups try to hide the past.

  2. He'd not do much business in this area. You hardly ever see people displaying flags here unless England are playing a football international. East Anglia actually has its own flag - I've never seen one being flown.

  3. You only see flags here around Canada Day or during the Olympics or things like the World Cup of soccer.

  4. He’s ready to leave on a moment’s notice!

  5. This flag is a symbol of rebellion supporting some of the worst views and beliefs in our country, including racism, violence, and bigotry. Sure, these beliefs have widespread support in some places, and that is a. problem.

  6. Aside from what Taken For Granted has said about it, it's also the flag of the losing side. Emphasis on losing.

  7. Americans really like flags. You rarely see them here except occasionally on civic buildings.

  8. a lot of people like them here too...it doesn't bother me but then i'm from california so no skin in the game ;)

  9. What Taken for Granted and William said.
