Monday, September 26, 2016

Out of the Jurisdiction: Spectrum India

Spectrum India was there when I was in college.  Long ago.  Very long ago.
It looks like the awning has not been changed in all those years.
C'mon, guys.  Time to up your game!


  1. They probably work on the principle 'if it ain't broke'... except it is 😊😊

  2. A blast from the past for you, Jack!

  3. Good memories for you Jack. Must be a popular store to last decades.

  4. Always fun to go back and see the 'ol college town...until you see something like this. : ( In my case, almost every time I return to East Lansing, the stores and restaurants have changed. Only a couple remain from my time there -- 30 years ago. ((gulp))

  5. Perhaps their business is successful enough that change is not necessary?

  6. If that's the worst that time has wrought I'd say it's not too bad. I suspect a lot of the places where I once tread in those golden olden days have been razed just on principle because they're so old....;->
