Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Gallery 206

Rachel Ramm is mainly a portrait painter.  Don't
you love the expression she immortalized for that young boy?

Maggie DeMarco is from Rhode Island.  She was painting and exhibiting abstracts 
the day I visited the studio.

Paula Brody's summer home is on Cape Cod, where she exhibits in several studios.
She created the works behind her by painting paper then tearing it and gluing it to a canvas.

And Liz Handlan paints large and colorful flowers.

The theme for City Daily Photo bloggers on February 1 is
"A Scene from a Cafe or Coffee House."


  1. A nice selection of artists and their works!

  2. I wish I was half as talented. Love that kid's face!

  3. Oh these are wonderful! The portrait is so lifelike and I do love the expression.

  4. All of these artist do something unique and beautiful. That portrait though, is a stunner.

  5. they are all so talented...miss rachel's work is amazing!

  6. Yes, that kid's expression is priceless!

  7. Ah, talented ladies they are indeed!! And I do agree with William, the young boys expression is definitely priceless!! Thanks so much, as always, for sharing!! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!!

  8. I do admire people who can paint a portrait. So much to get right in the expression of a human face. Rachel certainly has the talent!

  9. The painting in the first pick is a little kitschy to me but if I'd taken a photo looking like that I'd be happy. And a summer home on Cape Cod and winters in Naples? I'm in the wrong line of work.

  10. Your portraits and really good, Jack.

  11. Another group of talented women!
