Monday, January 25, 2016

A Busy Day in Olde Naples

"Empty Bowls" is a hugely popular fundraiser.  Students and local potters donated 2500 bowls and local restaurants donated soups.  The entire $15 paid by each event attendee 
went to the Harry Chapin Food Bank.

The annual chalk art event on Fifth Avenue South stretched many blocks.

A Corvette club showed off their vehicles.

The main drag was closed to vehicles.  People were everywhere.

The theme for City Daily Photo bloggers on February 1 is
"A Scene from a Cafe or Coffee House."


  1. I have never been to a chalk art event but you have convinced me that I should.

  2. I love street art like this. Such a shame the rain will wash it away. It looks beautiful.

  3. Vibrant! Plenty going on, good weather and lots of smiley faces.

  4. A couple of bowls in that first image that I would be tempted to buy

  5. I like the paintings on the street, and also the corvette :)

  6. what a great event...i love the soup bowl idea!

  7. That is a very busy weekend! We do the empty bowls event here too. I always come home with another bowl.

  8. Oh, a great event indeed and SO colorful and fun!! Terrific captures, as always, Jack!! I hope you have a great new week! Enjoy!!

  9. It looks like everyone had fun, Jack!

  10. Some lovely bowls - do you get your soup in those? These kinds of events are a photographer's dream - so much colour.

  11. Food banks are such worthy causes. No one should ever go hungry. I'm on the board of our local food pantry and have been for decades. Good to see Naples pitching in.

  12. Wall to wall people! It looks like a successful and popular event.
