Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Annabelle Johnson's Pottery and Ceramics Studio

Annabelle Johnson has had a pottery and ceramics studio in Naples for decades.

These days Annabelle hosts several other potters and ceramicists in her studio "in season," when the snowbirds visit, then in summer she gets down to serious production of her own art.

Ceramicist Alexandra McCurdy was honored last year by induction into the Royal Canadian Academy of the Arts.  Collectors know her best for her intricate ceramic boxes and bowls.
Floridians like her shorebird plaques (they help pay the bills).

Judy Ladd is a Notre Dame graduate who taught art education in an Indiana high school for years and taught art at a local college.  She features porcelain jewelry.

Suzanne Andersen is a Michigan ceramics artist who traveled to China in 2008.  She was captivated by the terra cotta soldiers and now like to make her own (much smaller) figures.

The theme for City Daily Photo bloggers on February 1 is
"A Scene from a Cafe or Coffee House."


  1. I am a sucker for ceramics so I'm betting I wouldn't leave Annabelle's shop empty handed.

  2. Some beautiful work being done by these women!

  3. I know Alexandra McCurdy's work and you are right , she is not known for birds. Nice portraits, Jack!

  4. Well, I dunno. It depends on your taste. An artist I respect a lot once criticized Dale Chihuly's work to me as being "too easy". I had to agree, up to a point. Many art fairs and artist shop districts have a high degree of craft but not much challenge. IMHO.

  5. I've just been back and checked out missed posts Jack.. you have been having an 'arty' time lately, so much fun, so much talent!

  6. This looks like a wonderful place for browsing. Nice portraits!

  7. Art and artists, what a fantastic subject! You are so talented at these portraits too.
