Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Clive Lubner grew up in South Africa but moved to southwest Florida in the 1970s.  He has built Clive Daniel Home into one of the region's biggest and most successful home furniture businesses. 
We spent some time in his guest bar in the Naples store, discussing southern Africa.

*    *    *    *    *    *

Speaking of Africa . . . I arrived in Johannesburg today to visit daughter Susie, her husband Wessel and six month old Willa. There will be pictures!

But, time to visit other blogs will be limited, so I will catch up when I get back in early December.
And, I will be in Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe for about two weeks without wifi (gasp!),
so current posting won't be possible.  I have pre-scheduled photos from Naples and Joburg
 to run while I am away, so, if the system doesn't fail, I will not miss a day of posts.
Once I get back to Joburg mid-month, I will share some of the safari pix. 


  1. Enjoy your stay and take a lot of pictures...

  2. Nice one Jack. Enjoy the visit with the family.

  3. You are very organized, Jack. Not only will I be interested in your South Africa photos of various places but will want to see more photos of that darlin' granddaughter!

  4. You are going to be gone until June???? That is one long trip. Have a fabulous time. I'm of course, quite jealous. I want to visit Namibia so badly and you are so very close.

  5. Have a wonderful journey. I will look forward to seeing your safari posts when you get back to Joburg.

  6. You are going to be gone for a LONG time!! You will be missed, but I'm already excited about seeing your pics!! Take care, Jack, and have a wonderful trip and enjoy Willa -- as I know you will!!

  7. Are you gone until June or December, Jack? Winter in Africa could be nice! Have fun with the little granddaughter.

  8. Have a wonderful time and give that little girl lots of attention and cuddles. Looking forward to seeing your pics whenever you can manage to post them.

  9. A good portrait, Jack! Gone until June? That's a big trip!

  10. You're staying away until June? I guess you have to make such long trips worthwhile. ;-)
