Monday, October 26, 2015

Circle K

A dozen young men and women carried trash bags and walked the beach.  They were picking up 
trash on Barefoot Beach as part of a project sponsored by Circle K International, a college-based 
service and fellowship organization affiliated with Kiwanis. 


  1. That name translates to Barfotastranden in Swedish. Nice with a trash-free beach.

  2. Wonderful way to expend some energy for these young adults and a super way to take care of the environment. I wish some Americans would look beyond their noses to take care of their own trash and cease to be such slobs.

  3. Wonderful to see these young people cleaning up the beach Jack and a pox (?) on those who make it necessary :)

  4. Great project for kids. Hopefully they will think about how much trouble it is to clean up litter so will be less likely to be future offenders.

  5. Kids like to do this, they are better than many adults.

  6. It's funny but people look at you as if you are strange if you stop to pick up some trash along the street. Good for these young people setting an example, Jack!

  7. What a great way to keep the beaches clean and what a gorgeous beach. Nicely photographed. The name Circle K has a completely different meaning here in the western US. It's a huge convenience store chain. There is one on every other corner here in the Phoenix area.

  8. Great post for the day, as always, and I do agree with EGs comment!! A beautiful beach and a terrific project!! Hope your new week is off to a great start!! Enjoy the moment -- all of them!!

  9. Bravo! Sounds like a worthwhile project.

  10. Good kids, I hope they inspire others...

  11. I'll bet they had great fun while performing a public service. One of my favorite things to do is to walk on a beach.

  12. Good work - and no doubt made more fun by doing it together and being by the sea on such a beautiful white beach. What a shame it is necessary, though it won't all be dropped by those actually using the beach, so much comes from the sea.

  13. Nice to see young people putting forth the effort to do this service.

  14. It looks like two of them have found something worth discussion.
