Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Out of the Jurisdiction: Deux Chevaux

I am not a car aficionado, but I know that old Citroën 2CV's have a cult following.  
They were produced in high numbers from 1948 to 1990, simple cars selling for a low price.
These were among the Deux Chevaux ("two steam horses") at an outing for
2CV owners at a Normandy beach.

Back in Hartford, paying bills, doing laundry and starting to get ready to head south in two weeks.
One more post about France tomorrow before resuming Connecticut photographs.


  1. Nice... I am hooked on the colours.

  2. Andy brought my attention to the colors. Interesting that they are all different.

  3. That is a colorful group of Citroens.

  4. ... must be nice.
    Love the colored auto line-up.

  5. That's a lovely collection, and the colors play nicely with each other.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  6. They brought a big smile and some good memories from my student days....
    We used to call them "student Jaguar"

  7. Welcome home!! Yes, these cars put a smile on my face as well!! Great start for my day!! Have a safe trip back to Florida!!

  8. They look so odd to these North American eyes, Jack!
    It seems like you just got to Connecticut and now it is already time to head south. Where does the time go?

  9. Cute! I see quite a few around here too. :)

  10. I never owned one but I have happy memories of rides in a friend's. The kind of car that lends itself to happy.

  11. Welcome home! I have really enjoyed the photos from your travels - and look forward to tomorrow's.

  12. Well, welcome home! No doubt you enjoyed your travels. Those cars are very picturesque.

  13. Welcome home! It looks like your camera had a very, very good time.
    These Citroens are very cute. They look monstrously uncomfortable but that's fine since I don't plan to have one or ride in one anytime in this lifetime.

  14. What a super trip Jack, and then off again.. to Florida?
