Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Elizabeth Park

OK.  I am biased.  But, I think Elizabeth Park is beautiful in every season.  And all weather.


  1. Well, as for these fall shots, I'm in your corner.

  2. Nothing wrong with being biased. I feel the same about the Desert Botanical Garden. There is always something to see no matter what time of year.

  3. Looks like a beautiful park to me and I can see why it is a favorite!! Hope you're getting ready for a great New Year, Jack!! Enjoy every moment!!

  4. You are right, but I remember it with the roses...

  5. I agree and always enjoy your pics of it, Jack!

  6. You're not biased, you simply had a plethora of astuteness and appreciation for various kinds of beauty.

  7. I totally agree! The second shot with all the arbors is dramatic and beautiful. Wishing you a wonderful new year!

  8. Winter as its own beauty, that I like very much !
    As I'll be very busy tomorrow, I already wish you a Happy New Year, dear Jack!

  9. ah, i like those clouds...
    and i think im going for purple today. unfortunately not in the sky...

  10. Absolutely. Like most places with trees.

  11. Jack, if your photos are any indication, I must agree with you. Elizabeth Park is beautiful. Also looks warm for this time of year.

  12. Winter can be dreary, but beautiful in its own way. Great shots!

  13. It is a beautiful park, Jack. I've been there a few times on trips to Hartford, but really need to spend some more time there. There are great photo opportunities there, as your photos show, no matter what the season.

  14. I love it too, and I haven't even visited apart from through your photos.

  15. I think a beautiful garden is one that shows this kind of grace and balance in leafless winter. I can see why you are fond of it.
