Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Lovely and elegant Ann closes out 2014.  We met at a hardware store.

Ann is a a retired teacher, a widow with two grown sons.  One son has suffered from a very serious disease, with one failed transplant but a second successful one.   Last week he was able
to  visit her in West Hartford for the first time in 2-1/2 years.

Happy New Year, Ann.  Happy New Year, everyone else!


  1. Going out in style. Nice color tones in this portrait.

  2. An uplifting portrait to end your year, Sir.

  3. Happy New Year Ann, and Happy New Year to you too Jack. Have a great New Year's Eve.

  4. A splendid portrait shot.

    Happy New Year, Jack!

  5. What a great shot of a great lady, Jack!! Thanks as always for sharing your world and its people with us!! Your posts are te4rrific and inspiring!! Wishing you a most wonderful New Year -- with camera in hand, of course!!

  6. She is an elegant lady who has a lot of stress but looks happy now, Jack! A fine portrait.

  7. Happy New Year, Jack. Here's to another year of your lovely portraits. I'm sure you'll find some more fascinating people for us to meet.

  8. A wonderful portrait to finish the year Jack
    My good wishes for a happy healthy and very safe 2015

  9. Dear Jack, the cat to which you referred is not my cat. But it's a very nice cat. And it's never wrong. So, if you are feeling uneasy, examine thyself.

    I'd hate to be a "catalyst" for an unfortunate event in the new year!

    Heh, heh.

  10. Here's hoping that 2015 will be good year for Ann.

    As for you, Monsieur Jack, happy New Year's Eve!

  11. And yet she stills smiles. She an inspiration.

  12. Another beautiful portrait and bio to end the year! Well done as usual, Jack. Here's wishing you many more smiles in 2015!

  13. A fine portrait, I wish her and her family all the best!

  14. How wonderful that her son has visited her. I hope 2015 is good to her! And I hope 2015 is FABULOUS for you!

  15. I'm guessing that Ann has a lot to celebrate in the new year. And she is indeed lovely and elegant.
