Monday, October 27, 2014

36 Hours in Naples

It is very hard for a simple blogger to compete with the New York Times.

 The Sunday Times had a feature on Naples yesterday in their weekly column, "36 Hours in . . . 

You have seen some of these places before (like the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary and sunset on the beach), and I have been to others without showing photos (like "bha! bha!," the Persian restaurant).

Which places do you want to see in future posts?


  1. Any place you show me with your camera is good to me. Love your travel logs.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  2. How about the Naples train museum and the Russian art gallery? I love Nicolai Fechin so I wonder if the gallery has any of his art?

  3. well the nyt's just a bunch of copycats ;)

  4. I prefer to see what you enjoy best.

  5. They seem to be eating a lot, Jack! I like seeing Naples through your eyes, thank you. ;-)

  6. I'm with the group above, I enjoy seeing places and people that you introduce us to.

  7. Count me in with the others, I feel the same way about your photos!! They are the best!! Hope your new week is off to a great start!! Have a great week!!

  8. You pick the most visually interesting places to show in the future. You usually do without my suggestions.

  9. You do great work in capturing the place, while the NYT photog has all of thirty six hours to try to figure out where he is.

  10. I am going with the crowd here and say that I do enjoy seeing what you like!

  11. I think you are doing a fine job finding interesting places for your followers to see no matter where you are Jack!

  12. I was sure you would see this article. Your illustrations are so much better than The Times'.

  13. I agree with everyone who wants to see Naples through YOUR lens, Jack. If you like it you can convince us that we like it too. I know because you've already convinced me over and over. :)

  14. Really? You want us to issue assignments? I prefer that you head for your own brand of fun and take us along.
