Friday, October 11, 2013

Foliage Season

Some years all of the trees are ablaze at a single time.  Other years the leaves just turn brown and fall off.

This year brightly colored trees stand right next to neighboring trees that remain summertime green.


  1. Wow! I love this time of year and so glad the leaves are changing colors rather than just dying and falling off.

  2. I think the colors of leaves are more vibrant when photographing into the direction of the sun, as you have shown.

  3. The red leaves are gorgeous, so beautiful Autumn there!Don't you think it's a romantic season? I love Autumn!

  4. I like it when some stay green, shows off the autumn foliage to perfection..looks great in your neck of the woods Jack.

  5. This first tall tree is so beautiful and impressive! I like those red leaves!

  6. The leaves/trees are so colorful this time of year!! Wonderful captures for the day, Jack, as always! Hope you're getting ready for a great weekend!! Enjoy!

  7. The amazing colors of your first photo go perfectly with the one on your header!

  8. I've had little luck finding any colour yet this year!

  9. Both shots are great, but I really love that top one. Fantastic, Jack!

  10. Nice shots! Lots of our trees got discouraged by the rain we've been having. Leaves have gotten hammered - some have been turning, many gave up and fell off - so it's hit and miss.

  11. We're getting the same- some colour, and others that are still green. Beautiful shot!

  12. We're just beginning to see some of this here - summery, bare branches, and fall colors. It looks to be a hodge-podge autumn!

  13. I like the way captured the scene in the first photo. Well Done Jack!

  14. ...and what beautiful foliage indeed!

  15. It even seemed that some trees had just one branch that had gone red, whilst all the rest stayed green. Perhaps there are little micro-climates that affect it.

  16. oooh, pretty pretty!
    here we have trees too. but its really not like in new england.... and now its also raining most of the day, so im not really in the mood for pictures...
