Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sisters of Saint Joseph

The convent of the Sisters of Saint Joseph is on a 177 acre property on Park Road in West Hartford, on the Hartford city line.  The Sisters have owned the property since 1898.  There is a large brick convent building and a chapel, but most of the acreage is undeveloped.

This fall the Sisters issued a request for proposals to buy and develop the property.  The town has very little undeveloped land, so this poses an opportunity as well as a risk.  I am one who thinks the property can be developed into something terrific.  We will see.

Back in Florida.  It was circuitous but I am not one to complain.  Have a great weekend, everyone.


  1. It's a very stately building Jack and with the right minds I'm sure it can be developed while retaining the character of the original design
    I'm sure you're more than happy to be back in sunny Florida.

  2. Looks like a university building. And I didn't know Joseph had any sisters!

    Glad you made it back to Paradise unimpaired. (I'm not referring to your golf game!)

  3. Something interesting could happen here!
    Glad you made it back to the warm weather.

  4. Why does this remind me of a mental institution? I'm thinking the new development can't be too terrible if it's next to a convent

  5. Let's hope whatever happens with the acreage doesn't ruin it for everyone.

    Enjoy yourself in Florida, Jack!

  6. My cousin and I used to sneak under the fence and picnic on the grounds of a convent that looked much like this. Thanks for the memory.
    I'm glad you are back in Florida safe and sound. Just in time to beat this next storm!

  7. It will indeed be interesting to see what is done with the building/property! Don't see many convents around the country anymore! Glad you had a safe trip back to Florida! Enjoy your clear skies and have a warm and Happy New Year, Jack!


  8. Looks like prime land. I thought maybe you were going to buy it!

  9. There was a similar piece of land in Oakbrook, Illinois just west of Chicago, owned by a Catholic group. They sold the land to be developed into condos and building sites for large homes.

  10. I hear convent and I feel a pain in my knuckles. Really I was a good boy!

  11. I can see the building as a glorious small hotel but a developer probably wants a better return than that. Hope the land is used wisely.

  12. Very interesting indeed...the Sisters issuing an RFP?! You'll have to keep us postponed. Glad to hear you made it back safely. At least you had a leg up knowing that SRQ is airline speak for Sarasota. You have no idea how close you were to SDP Headquarters!
