Sunday, December 30, 2012


Janet was a lawyer specializing in family law, mainly estate planning and adoptions.  After she retired a few years ago, she wanted adventure.  So, she took an apartment in Paris and spent several months brushing up on her French.  Then, she went to China for a couple of years and taught English.  Now, Janet is halfway through a Peace Corps assignment in Ukraine, teaching English again.  But, she was able to come back to Hartford to be with her children and friends for the holidays!


  1. A lovely lady living an exciting life. :)

  2. what a remarkable woman...a wonderful model for us all.

  3. A handsome woman who has achieved much. Must have a lot of strength and inner resources. Kudos to her!

  4. Handsome????? Lowell, you'll get yourself in trouble without me. How about pleasant?
    She reminds us all--- 'adventure' is where you find it regardless of age, experience.

  5. What an accomplished woman! Very impressive.

  6. An impressive lady she is!! What a wonderful life she has had!! Great choice for the day, Jack!! Happy New Year!! Enjoy!


  7. Good to hear of someone grabbing life by the throat, when some seek to retire to a life of ease. I wish I had - but I don't think I have - that much courage.

  8. What a wonderful story and photo, Jack. Thanks!

  9. I can only hope to be half as adventurous after I retire from teaching.

    *I must admit that at first glance of this photo, it looked to me like a shot from a BBC drama :)

  10. I hope when I retire to be able to volunteer.. a lot!

  11. Oh my, several months in Paris, Janet lived my dream..she certainly is the adventurous sort, good on her! Here's wishing you a very Happy New Year Jack, see you next year!!

  12. Janet's the best! (share the photo of her and Jed in the photo booth!) x

  13. What a adventurous spirit. Most of us have narrowing lives as we get older. Not her. My new hero. Jack, wishing you a Happy New Year. Keep on clicking.

  14. I wonder what aspects of the U.S. she misses. I have an American friend who worked at the embassy in Romes for years and just recently retured in Italy for a couple of months. She's been telling me about all the conveniences she misses: e.g. SaranWrap, clothes dryer etc. Bravo to Janet for taking on such adventures.
