Monday, December 31, 2012


I am not motivated by any New Years eve or year-end theme, so I am going to keep on going with normal posts.

Penny teaches in a graduate education program at a local university.  Her fields are leadership in education and training teachers to work with diverse populations.  For several years, she has gone to Iceland to teach for a month or two at a time.  Iceland?

Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. You have a wonderful family and they work hard at making this world a better place.

    I'll be asleep long before the ball falls, also!

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  2. Iceland every year, clearly she likes the cold. Happy New Year to you and yours

  3. Penny looks like a lovely person:)
    Happy New year to you, Jack!

  4. Wonderful portrait! She has such a beautiful smile! :)

  5. Wonderful friends them! Happy 2013!

  6. A lovely smile indeed and another well deserved tribute! Wishing you a very Happy New Year, Jack!!


  7. Iceland is an interesting choice of places to go but, I must admit I've seen photographs and found it to be incredibly beautiful. I hope she when in the summer when the sun is shining.

  8. You're on a portrait roll, Jack! Hope you ring in the New Year in a safe manner in the Sunshine State. Happy 2013!

  9. So lovely. Happy New Year, Jack. It really has been fun exchanging comments. Stay well and enjoy 2013 to the full.

  10. I like the look of Penny. I could be friends with her, I'm sure. Actually, she reminds me a lot of one of my best friends and, interestingly, is in a similar line of work. Happy New Year, Jack, even if you're not focussing on it.

  11. I like your portrait. Looks like a colorful woman in colorful surroundings.

    I am visiting Iceland for my first time, later this year.

  12. Looks like Janet is in the mirror behind Penny... Same mirror, same event?
    One of DH's students has visited Iceland as well. His uncle moved his family from China to be the homeopathic doctor in the community there.

  13. Penny looks like she lives life to the full and thoroughly enjoys it Jack, you've captured this feeling beautifully. Oh what I'd give for a trip to Iceland right now!!

  14. i love Iceland! I wish I could find a way to go there every year! :o)

  15. flew through iceland now many times to get home-home and here and again. still need to make a stop there, it must be quite beautiful there!
