Friday, December 28, 2012

More Snow

It snowed again overnight.  West Hartford's Town Hall had a classical look with a few inches on the ground.

I was supposed to fly back to Florida  last night, but the storm has wreaked havoc along the East Coast.  I will get back when I get back, but it is likely to be an ugly process.


  1. The storm covered a wide area. A lot of people got snowed on.

  2. And more on it's way for tomorrow. Better get while the gettin's good, Jack.

  3. At least if you are delayed from air travel, it is better to be at home than at a distant airport.

  4. Still no snow along the coast. I was hoping for some snow pictures, but so far only rain and cold. Have a safe a trip.

  5. One of the nice things about being retired is you needn't worry too much about flight delays and the best laid plans that go awry...

    I love this photo with the red whatchamacallit in the middle.

    Don't like snow.

  6. Delayed return to the Sunshine State due to...snow?! That's just not right, Jack. If it helps, a cold front is blowing through here. (Yes...temps dipped into the high 40's last night.) So, you're not missing much. For us year around residents, it's a welcome change though. Hope your travel arrangements aren't too ugly.

  7. I think Florida sounds quite attractive when faced with that white stuff. Hope you get there safely.

  8. Sorry about the bad weather and upset travel plans, Jack. Hope you have a safe, uneventful return trip to
    Florida -- I'm sure you'll appreciate the warm weather when you finally do arrive!! Wishing you and your family a very Happy, Fun and Exciting New Year!


  9. A beautiful snow scene! Good luck with those travel plans. I remember when I was working in St. Louis a huge snow storm blew in on a Friday when I was supposed to fly home to Phoenix. I waited for the flight to board for two hours and then waited in line for another two hours to reschedule when it was cancelled. Finally I thought, what am I doing here and I stepped out of line, got on the light rail and when back to my warm apartment. I called the airline from there and the woman I talked to was not happy that I'd left the airport. I told her I had already been there 4 hours and could see no need to wait longer just to be told I'd have to wait until tomorrow.

  10. I'm wondering if that snow is going to hop on the gulf stream and pay a visit to England. Wouldn't mind :).

  11. Home will be all the more sweet I assume. Meanwhile that red sculpture looks like it fell to the snow out of time warp

  12. I hate traveling at this time of year - too type A to handle waiting in long lines!
    I love that red sculpture too!

  13. Best of luck that you don't spend New Year's Eve at an airport. Love your snow shots. It's terribly mild here so I'm bound to like snowy places...

  14. Nice blob of red in this photo! Well, at least you are at home waiting out your "delay".

  15. You can send the snow down here if you'd like.

  16. Beautiful snow scene! I like the red eye-catching sculpture.

  17. Beautiful... but I can see why you traveled to Florida. I would have done the same! :-) All the best for 2013, Jack.

  18. You won't be delayed for long will you Jack, enjoy the snow while you can! It certainly is a classic building...what red sculpture..haha !
