Thursday, December 27, 2012

Reality Check

When I show photographs of fine houses like the ones I showed yesterday, I sometimes get questions about whether everyone in greater Hartford lives like that.  No, they don't.  You usually see appealing houses here because they are the ones that attract my eye, or I am a snob, or both.

But, these houses on Arnoldale Road give me a good opportunity to show you the kind of modest houses that many middle class people in this area live in, right next door to a couple of finer houses.

Above you see them on Christmas morning and on the left you see them about 24 hours earlier.


  1. I think this is something you see everywhere Jack. I love it when Aimee and I walk along the coast road, in amongst the great big houses you'll see the original beach houses, love to see some people hold out and don't conform ! It's what makes things interesting oui!

  2. Amazing how the lovely view changes in such a short time!

  3. Hello Jack!
    Wonderful pictures, different moments. I love snow, it's so romantic and I think I prefer the winter scenery.
    I wish you and your family Happy Holidays and a wonderful 2013!

  4. Very nice Jack. I'm still reminded of my home town Quincy. In fact, this looks a lot like my old neighborhood.

  5. You? A snob? Neh-vuh! It's fairly common here to 'McMansions' pop up next to older modest homes...which usually causes a stir in the neighborhood.

  6. Actually, I like these more than the big mansions. As to whether or not you're a snob, I'll take the Fifth! :-)

    Hope you had a good Christmas celebration!

  7. Great perspective check, Jack. Thanks!

  8. There is indeed an amazing difference in the view that 24 hours made! Great shots as always, Jack! Enjoy your weekend!!

  9. Many would consider these mansions...

  10. Nothing like a white Christmas, and then the snow can go away. Fine contrast from yesterday's grand homes to today's more modest houses. Still looks like a fine neighborhood.

  11. Lovely homes. Beaver Cleaver style! Just enough snow to call it a White Christmas without the bother.

  12. Love all of these, Jack. The houses are so beautiful with so much space around them. Hope that snow isn't too disruptive for you.

  13. The snow added 'magic' to the morning.

  14. They are all fine homes. I think I do the same and take pics of larger houses mostly because there are often more details to see. You are no snob!

  15. Now that looks like my kind of neighborhood. Very cozy.

  16. I always like the contrast of neighborhoods in cities. If everything were the boring would that be?!
