Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hartford Had a White Christmas!

OK, it was only about half an inch of snow, and it melted away by dinnertime.  But, my motto is that, so long as it is going to be cold in Connecticut, there might as well be some snow.

This is a medley of fine houses on the Hartford side of Prospect Avenue, taken early on Christmas day, before the snow had footprints. Hartford is on the east side of Prospect Avenue and West Hartford is on the west side.


  1. The rule is as long as there's visible snow it counts! Some fine winter scenes here.

  2. And with a little snow on Christmas morning, there is not a lot of rush hour accidents and frustration, just an extra incentive to throw another log in the fireplace.

  3. You were up bright and early - anticipation?

    Some lovely homes here. I like the one with the turret. And I like that most of them have rather large wreaths which are probably not all that easy to put up and take down!

  4. People there seem to know how to decorate tastefully. Love them all.

    I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas, Jack!

  5. What a difference 50 mi or so makes. No snow in Niantic on Christmas, just rain. Those homes are beautiful.

  6. Lovely. I'm in agreement: Why not have snow if you're going to be cold? I trust managment compensated you well for working on the holiday. Hope you and yours enjoyed a wonderful Christmas.

  7. Some fine old homes decked for the season. hohohohoho!

  8. Oh I so have to experience a white Christmas at some point soon Jack, to look out of the window in the morning and see a magical sight like this would be wonderful. We had 37c, nice in its own way, but certainly not 'magical'!!

  9. Just enough snow, like a dusting of confectioners sugar on a cake. Beautiful and interesting homes! On Cape Cod, we got a lot of rain.

  10. Even a little snow is always welcome for Christmas. Love the beautiful houses and the... castle!

  11. These are all beautiful even with a little dusting.

  12. Jack, I thought that you were in Florida, basking in the warm sunshine? Lowell cannot have the house with the turret; I claim it!!

  13. Such beautiful and grand houses. It makes me think of my home town Quincy Illinois, a place known for it's architecture and stately homes. I especially love the tudor home in the first picture. I am huge fan of tudor.
    Looks like a perfect dusting of snow for the big day.

  14. They are all lovely and of course I'm deadly jealous. 55° here would you believe it?

  15. It all looks prettier with that frosting Jack .....Like icing on a cake.
    Our Christmas was spent sipping ice cold drinks as we sat around the pool ..... No white Christmas for us but never-the-less
    a beautiful day with all the family together and yes! even Santa found his way down south.

  16. That bit of snow makes a huge difference - we are still waiting for ours to come. Lovely old homes, Jack!

  17. How festive all these houses look! Merry Christmas!

  18. Ah! Just in time for Christmas! But I don't see any sleigh marks. Did Santa forget to deliver to Hartford?

  19. Such a picturesque scene, very festive.

  20. Wow these looks like a movie set. A house Katherine Hepburn might have lived in

  21. Beautiful homes and beautiful captures as well! Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas holiday, Jack!!

  22. Great architecture collection. I particularly like that Chippendale dormer window encasement in the last picture. Unusual!

  23. Oh, what a pretty Christmas you had! Great shots. It may have melted, but at least you had the effect! I'd say it's more picturesque than rain, rain, and - what's this? - oh, yes, more rain.

  24. All houses are beautiful but the top one is just fantastic!

  25. They are all beautiful buildings/photos, and they are like perfect Christmas cards.

  26. Oh, they are beautiful! We so rarely get snow (and I am fine with that!) that these are so striking.
