Monday, December 12, 2011

Lights! Camera! Action!

West Hartford is all aflutter.  Scenes from a movie are being filmed here!  "Pawn" is a movie that should hit the theaters in 2013.  It is about small time crooks who commit a robbery at a diner, unaware that the diner is a front for the mob.  The movie crew has transformed a recently closed restaurant in West Hartford Center into a pretty convincing diner. 
The movie features Forest Whitaker and several other actors whom I am supposed to know.  But don't.  The police officer at the left in the top photo is Whitaker.  I think.

The crew starts filming at 4 p.m. and continues well into the early hours.  I took these photos at 8 p.m. because I need my beauty sleep.


  1. thanks for a glimpse into the magic of movies.

  2. A peek behind the curtain! I just read that movie ticket sales are at a 10-year low. Hope this production does well.

  3. What a great peek into this future movie. I'll remember this when I see it come out. When I was working in Chicago, I saw many movie and tv shows being shot there. One movie was shot in the building next door to where I lived. It was fun to watch the filming going on. And, they kept the same hours you describe.

  4. Pretty neat. I can remember watching a couple of movies shot here in St. Louis. One was shot on some backstreets because it look more LA than LA, apparently. I didn't assume that was a compliment.

  5. How neat! They're always filming stuff here in Toronto. I'd love to be an extra on set or something. Maybe you should look into that too! :)

  6. Neat!
    Are you going to try to sneak in as a crowd extra or something?

  7. I'll go to see the movie ONLY to see Hartford!We have a lot of filming here too, but as the city has not a lot of place, a movie always makes things very complicated, with traffic jams and all that kind of things..

  8. How fun! I bet the town is indeed in a flutter! Great shots and I'll be looking out for the movie! Hope you have a great day, Jack!


  9. Should be a good one. The only other name I recognised was Ray Liotta.

  10. How exciting!! I never have time to see movies now adays, but maybe by 2013...

  11. Nice shots Jack. That must be pretty exciting to watch!

  12. Very good of you to do a "people" reportage so close to your bedtime! :-))

  13. Excitement in the town for sure! It can be a pain if it happens too often as is the case around here.

  14. It is always funny and interesting to see our hometown in a movie!

  15. Night life in the big city and another brush with fame. You east coast bloggers do lead a life of glamor!

    Cool and interesting shots!

  16. It is nice to have the president of the United States stop for a visit. It brings in a lot of traffic. And traffic buys gasoline, snacks and sometimes other things.

    I suppose a movie crew does the same thing. It looks like a television set.

  17. Must be exciting to watch movie crew in action! Love the photos, and good that they are the movie scenes, not a real life:)

  18. It's surprising what a buzz a film crew brings to a place - and what a lot of trucks!

  19. Very interesting. I happened to be in a hotel in Houston years ago where a movie was being filmed. It was a famous movie, too, but I can't remember the name. But I got in to see the day's rushes. Great fun.

    I won't comment on your need for "beauty" sleep!

  20. To be able to watch the filming and preparation would be interesting, I couldn't handle the wee hours of the morning though.

  21. Pretty soon it will be like that here. Johnny Depp will be in town to start shooting the Lone Ranger. Nice shots.

  22. Wow! Lucky you!
    Thanks for these fabulous captures, Jack!

  23. That Cop in the photo is not Whiatker but none other than my dear friend Harry Thomas....
