Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Student Art Exhibition

A week ago I visited the Joseloff Gallery at the University of Hartford.  Award-winning student art was exhibited.

The ceramic bust (ahem!) is titled "In Bloom (Self Portrait)" by Jacqueline Edwards, a sophomore ceramics major.  I don't know Ms. Edwards, so I can't vouch for the likeness.

The large floor exhibit is by Lucia Esposito, a senior ceramics major. The work is called "Millions of Turkeys Die for Each State . . . Excluding Puerto Rico." It consists of a very large map of the USA and ceramic turkeys of different sizes and shapes.   I took this one to be a pro-vegetarian statement, but what do I know?


  1. I like "In Bloom" quite a lot and wouldn't mind owning it!

  2. Wow this is my kind of place, I would love to visit this exposition!Thanks so much for sharing!
    I love the detail in the first shot, the turquoise is wonderful!

  3. I prefer the "In Bloom" to the turkeys.....

  4. HA! I once posted a piece of sculpture of a nude in the midst of some roses in a park in Paris. I titled it "In Full BLoom"! :)

    I like the rose piece, but I"m scratching my head about the other. I wasn't aware that there was a Save The Turkey movement.

  5. I have a very different idea of art, but the bust is not that bad. About the turkey thing, it is really better if I pass...

  6. The bust is gorgeous. Very nice work.

  7. I do like turkeys, well I'm a vegetarian after all:)

  8. Er... I'm slightly nonplussed by the second one but the first one is quite good.

  9. I wonder if there is a significance to the size of the turkey on each state. Nice to be a student and be able to play!

  10. I think I'd better find some museums to visit. I'm missing out on a lot of goofiness. The ceramic bust, self-portrait that it be, seems quite original...I mean, I've know lots of blooming idiots, but nothing like this! Just kidding. I really do like it.

    The second thingy: I think it's a political statement: Our states have been taken over and are now run by a bunch of turkeys, some bigger turkeys than others. We've got a really big one down here in Florida. It's criminal. No, wait, he's a criminal.

  11. Oops, I mean to mention your "threat" to steal my photo. Help yourself...and I don't even care if you take credit. You flatter me, you ol' rascal! Just let me know where and when you post it. Hopefully, not on the FBI's "Most Wanted" site!

  12. Well, my views seem to chime with the rest - the top one is rather attractive in its way, the turkey one leaves me bemused.

  13. I really like 'In Bloom', it's very nicely done. I wonder if it will look the same in 20 years.
    The turkeys reminded me of Hoover's "Chicken in every pot". Not that I remember him saying it first hand! LOL
    ☼ Sunny

  14. I agree the In Bloom is excellent. The turkey must be a self portrait also....

  15. Interesting piece...

    Re: the Jayhawks lost. I was going to root for UK (since it's sort of like KU), but for solidarity reasons, I'll be for UConn instead. :)

  16. Both are definitely unique for sure. I like that both are so creative, expressing something from the creator of it. Not sure what that is though on the second one.

  17. When art makes us asking questions, that's good art!and I like when art makes me smile. The second picture shows something that I like, but maybe not for the good reasons..
